01 July 2010

There's a folder I use to hold my pictures that I want to post. It's getting full. So I'm taking a few minutes from genealogy to "catch up" and let you see what I've been holding back. This was taken last January. What happens when two geologists meet up? Shop talk. Never fails.


M and W said...

Nope, never fails. You know why Ben got his geology degree don't you? So that dad would give him, his rocks instead of giving them to me. But it's too late, I already claimed them! Muhahahahahaha...

Teresa said...

Did you know if you take a hammer you can break the rocks into two or more pieces?

M and W said...

They are mine. I do not like to share. ;)

Teresa said...

I was expecting an evil laugh after you said that...

M and W said...

There was an evil laugh on this end.