10 July 2009

Philmont - Saturday

After packing up, saying good-byes to new friends we headed across the street to Philmont Base Camp and checked in, bought our staff uniform shirts and headed up to Baldy Town in a four-wheel suburban. After a 35 min ride on the highway we hit the dirt road and for the next hour we climbed over 3,000 ft. in elevation on backcountry roads.

Tall Timbers District Key 3: Craig, Brett and Bill

That's Baldy Mountain ahead, below timberline and just above the pine trees in front is Baldy Town. We still have a ways to go.

Time out for a photo op. Machinery required for road maintenance.

1 comment:

M and W said...

I'm so jealous! I want to go to Baldy Town! But I want to hike in cause that car ride didn't sound so much fun.