Mark orientating the crew for safe trail blazing. (a couple of pictures of the trail further down)
A new kiosk had been built, perfect for displaying geologic maps of the area.
How to eat chicken out of a can: take your pocket pliers and lid of can, bend lid to form sides, bend end of lid up to form scoop. Done, a perfect spoon.
The weather turned nasty for a few minutes, each animal carries its own raincoat.
Even the boys took shelter where they could.
It even hailed. See that little white spot in the middle? Hail.
These guys never tire of looking at rocks, who knew there's more than what meets the eye.
Looking at some of today's pictures.
It's been a long day for David.
This afternoon I made three pies for the staff. Ed is enjoying the blueberry pie.
Gene made sure he had some before he headed back to base camp. Did you know every night before Chuck Norris goes to bed he checks under his bed for Gene?
See the blue sky? See the dark heavy cloud sitting over us?
Craig and I headed down the new trail which cut through the old Baldy Town "dump." We found a few artifacts including an old tin can from the turn of the century or before. Some of the white pottery pieces had gold designs on the edge.
The new trail. This will go to the lower campsites.
Part of the trail goes along the creek and it is just beautiful, the trail and the scenery.
No, it's not the spider out of Harry Potter. They're bear bags. Baldy Town has to be very strict about smellables or bears become a big problem.
Hiking sticks...
and campers.
Wild turkeys and their young.
Each group we saw had 3 adults and a dozen young. At first I thought we were seeing one group all over the place but there's really a bunch of them out there.
Craig's video of one group of turkeys.
Siberian iris, Craig took this one.
You'll see signs like this all over to make sure you're headed in the right direction.
Craig was at the main cabin, I had gone up to the tent. When I came out there were three deer in the meadow above the tents. Then a few more joined them.