28 January 2012

Christmas Eve Day

Breakfast is served.

Oven baked bacon...hmmmm ummm ummm.

French Toast casserole.

Grandpa, Ben and Anna took most of the kids on an exploring hike.

I'm in the treehouse and they are across the river.


The Elf on the Shelf came along and went rope-swinging.


Showing her discoveries.


Emma was the first one down to the water's edge, then she waited for the other kids to get into their swim suits. Even Anna, who's wearing the Artic model coat, went swimming.




In the Frio

Emma, doing her Jane-style swing.

Eliora, showing how not to get wet.

Audrey racing to the hot tub.

Nothing like really warm water to thaw out members of the Frio Polar Bear Club.

Wannabe members of the FPB Club.

Youngest member of the Frio Polar Bears.

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